Men's Conference
9:00 AM09:00

Men's Conference

Experience a life-changing message about whole-hearted surrender to God at our Men's Conference 2025 - a free half-day event featuring biblical teaching from Pure Life Ministries. Join other Trinity guys to hear powerful insights into living pure in every area of life, honest conversation about the heart, and authentic fellowship, including a complimentary lunch. This isn't just about addressing sexual sin - it's about every man's journey toward complete surrender to Christ. 

Register by March 27th

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Scavenger Hunt
2:00 PM14:00

Scavenger Hunt

Put your time management and strategy skills to the test as you compete in the Trinity Singles Scavenger Hunt. You will be assigned to a team and given an extensive list of scavenger hunt activities. Snap photos as tasks are completed throughout the greater Michiana area to earn points. The team with the most points will win the event, and some sweet prizes! Sign up and invite a friend or two to join you!

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7:30 AM07:30


Everybody wants life change. Because Jesus is alive, you can experience a radically transformed life through him!


10:30 AM* — MODERN

*Kids ministry will be available during the 9 & 10:30 services

We would LOVE to see you and celebrate with you on Easter Sunday!!

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Serve South Bend
8:00 AM08:00

Serve South Bend

We love South Bend. Jesus loves South Bend. This all-church event is about putting that love to action in service of the community. Together, we'll serve organizations and individuals all over town (Camp Ray Bird, Faith Baptist Food Pantry, Hope Ministries, local schools and parks, nursing homes, and more).

Check out the list of projects and then sign up using the form below.

View Project Listing

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Exploring Membership (Week 1 of 3)
9:00 AM09:00

Exploring Membership (Week 1 of 3)

Following Jesus, together. Being committed to one another's growth in Christ, and to what God is doing among us, is an important part of family life at Trinity. Through this 3-part exploratory class, we invite you to come and see if membership is a next step for you. You’ll hear from our leaders about our mission and vision, what membership looks like, and why it matters. Participating in the class doesn't commit you to becoming a member; but it is a great way to explore the possibility of linking arms with our Trinity family in a more intentional way.


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Young Couples Date Night
6:00 PM18:00

Young Couples Date Night

Between work schedules, daily responsibilities, and life's constant demands, finding time to connect with your spouse (and other couples!) can feel impossible. Join us for a casual evening of good food and great company! Enjoy a delicious dinner from Family First Foods, fun couples' games with prizes, and meaningful connections with other young couples who get exactly where you are in life.

Cost: $30/couple

Register by May 4th. Tap the button below to sign up!



What's included in the $30 registration? Your evening includes a full catered dinner from Family First Foods, dessert, and a door prize.

What should we wear? Keep it casual and comfortable!

Is childcare provided? No childcare will be available for this event.

When do we need to register by? Please register by Sunday, May 4th.

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Exploring Membership (Week 2 of 3)
9:00 AM09:00

Exploring Membership (Week 2 of 3)

Following Jesus, together. Being committed to one another's growth in Christ, and to what God is doing among us, is an important part of family life at Trinity. Through this 3-part exploratory class, we invite you to come and see if membership is a next step for you. You’ll hear from our leaders about our mission and vision, what membership looks like, and why it matters. Participating in the class doesn't commit you to becoming a member; but it is a great way to explore the possibility of linking arms with our Trinity family in a more intentional way.


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Exploring Membership (Week 3 of 3)
9:00 AM09:00

Exploring Membership (Week 3 of 3)

Following Jesus, together. Being committed to one another's growth in Christ, and to what God is doing among us, is an important part of family life at Trinity. Through this 3-part exploratory class, we invite you to come and see if membership is a next step for you. You’ll hear from our leaders about our mission and vision, what membership looks like, and why it matters. Participating in the class doesn't commit you to becoming a member; but it is a great way to explore the possibility of linking arms with our Trinity family in a more intentional way.


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Wills & Trusts Educational Seminar
9:00 AM09:00

Wills & Trusts Educational Seminar

We can’t predict the future, but we can plan for it. Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) takes the mystery out of estate planning, guiding you and your family through a straightforward process allowing you to design a legacy plan that protects and blesses your family while honoring God.

Whether you have a will or trust in place or not, we invite you to take a fresh look at the facts and let us help you address your planning priorities and challenges.

After attending the seminar, you will have the opportunity to schedule a follow-up appointment— then to request that FPM prepare or update your own estate plan at no out-of-pocket cost. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity!

For more information about Financial Planning Ministry, visit their website at

P.S. You may be a parent with a young family-- have you planned for the guardianship of your children if you were no longer there for them? Or you may have a loved one with a disability-- come and learn how a Special Needs Trust can provide resources for your family member’s needs over their lifetime. This seminar is for adults at all stages of life!

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Brackets & Brats
6:30 PM18:30

Brackets & Brats

Has it been a while since your last guys’ night out? We’ve got you covered!
Join us to watch some basketball, fill out your NCAA tournament bracket, enjoy fantastic bratwurst with other guys. That’s it. No agenda. Just a game, brackets, and brats. Plus, you’ll be entered in our Trinity Men Bracket Challenge to match your bracketology skill (or just plain luck) against other Trinity guys as you battle for prizes.

Are you in?


Can I bring a friend? Absolutely! Just be sure to get them registered, so we have enough food.

Do I need to fill out a bracket? Nope! Sure, it would be more fun if you joined the bracket challenge with us, but no pressure if that’s not your thing.

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How to Study the Bible
6:00 PM18:00

How to Study the Bible

Ever wonder why some people find such deep meaning and direction in the Bible while you're still struggling to make sense of it? Join us on Tuesday, February 11th (6-7:30pm) for How to Study the Bible. In just one powerful session, you'll learn the practical tools and proven methods that transform Bible reading from a confusing task into an exciting journey of personal discovery (plus, we’ll have snacks!). Whether you're new to Scripture or have been in church for years, you'll gain the confidence to study, understand, and apply God's Word in ways that will impact your life forever.

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Discover Conference
to Feb 9

Discover Conference

  • Michindoh Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A time for students (7th-12th grades) to ...

  • DISCOVER God’s voice in their lives

  • ENGAGE in what God is calling them to

  • WORSHIP the Creator of the universe

  • LEARN repeatable, reproducible, processes to read the Word, pray, and engage in community

A time for students who are ...

  • in middle and high school

  • wanting to deepen their relationship with God

  • wanting to learn habits of reading Scripture

  • feeling stuck in their prayer life

  • wanting to learn how to engage in church community

Cost: $175

Register by December 15th

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10:00 AM10:00


It hurts to lose someone, but you aren’t alone.

GriefShare offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. There can be hope and healing after the death of a loved one.

These sessions provide a friendly, caring place with people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Over 13 weeks, important and helpful topics will be addressed. If you could use help with any of the topics below, GriefShare is for you.

  • Your Grief Journey

  • Sadness & Loneliness

  • Fear & Anxiety

  • Anger

  • Regrets

  • Grief & Your Relationships

  • Questions for God

  • Hope & Resilience

Here is how GriefShare has helped others:

"A safety net when my world was literally falling apart."

"The permission I needed to let grief happen."

"I saw my grief so much more clearly."

"It helped me learn how to process my loss.”

"I was able to see I was not alone."

Come and find comfort and support at GriefShare.

Fridays (10-11:30 am) Beginning January 24th

You can join this 13-week seminar/support group at any time. Each session is "self-contained," so you do not have to attend sequentially. The cost for all 13 sessions is $20, which covers the cost of the workbook. Scholarships are available.

GriefShare is nondenominational and open to people of all faiths, as well as those who do not practice a faith. Everyone is welcome.

Please join us for this encouraging seminar.

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CrossCon 25
to Jan 4

CrossCon 25

Join other young adults at CrossCon25 from January 2-4 in Louisville, KY, where we’ll focus on gospel-centered discipleship and God’s heart for the nations. This year's theme, "Focused," encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus amidst life's distractions. Experience inspiring speakers like David Platt and John Piper, powerful worship by Shane & Shane, and enriching workshops.

Cost: $250 (conference ticket, transportation, hotel, and one meal)

$50 non-refundable deposit due on registration

Registration Has Closed


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United Christmas Party
6:00 PM18:00

United Christmas Party

Join other Trinity students (7th-12th grades) to celebrate together during this special United Christmas event! Bring three things with ya:

- A wrapped gift for the White Elephant exchange*
- An unwrapped new toy to donate to a child in need
- A friend!

*What is a "white elephant?" this is any old thing you have laying around the house that may be sueful or even just humorous to others that you won't miss.


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Christmas Cantata
7:00 PM19:00

Christmas Cantata

Christmas is a celebration of the miraculous, the fulfillment of ancient promises. Hundreds of years passed while darkness filled the land and God's people waited for some sign of the Messiah. The waiting seemed unbearable, but everything was going according to an eternal plan. Then... the world changed forever! At last, God spoke; at last, His glory was revealed; at last, the Messiah had come; at last, Noel! With dynamic narration, this breathtaking musical takes listeners on a journey from the darkness of the earth to the light of Christ. Join the Trinity Choir for this special performance celebrating the incredible gift God given to us through Jesus Christ.

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Surviving the Holidays
9:00 AM09:00

Surviving the Holidays

Help and hope as you navigate the holiday season

Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated?

Our Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death. You’ll hear:

  • How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays

  • What to do about traditions and other coming changes

  • Helpful tips for dealing with social events

  • How to discover hope for your future

About the event

A Surviving the Holidays event lasts for about two hours. You’ll be welcomed by warm, caring people who understand what you are going through and who want to help. During the seminar, you will:

  1. Watch a 35-minute video, filled with practical holiday survival tips and the real-life stories of people who have navigated the season after their loved one’s death.

  2. Hear other seminar attendees share how they are dealing with the holidays.

  3. Have the opportunity to share how grief is affecting you. (no pressure—this is optional.)

  4. Receive a personal copy of the GriefShare Holiday Survival Guide.

Tap the button below to register and join us for this encouraging seminar.

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6:00 PM18:00

Young Couples Chili Cook-Off

Join us for the Young Couples Chili Cook-Off on November 15th, 6-8 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite chili to share, and enjoy provided sides, toppings, and drinks. Children are welcome, so bring the family for an evening filled with food, fellowship, and fun games.

RSVP by November 10th. We look forward to seeing you there!


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Breakfast with Brothers
8:30 AM08:30

Breakfast with Brothers

You’re invited to join other Trinity men on Saturday, November 9th for Breakfast with Brothers featuring Pastor Jason Kelley. Jason will share about God’s grace and ongoing work in his life in areas such as trust, freedom, worship, and character development as a man, husband, and father. So, join us for a great meal and fellowship, and Pastor Jason will challenge you to keep your focus on the Lord and seek Him above all else.

So, will you join us for breakfast?

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Generations of Women
9:00 AM09:00

Generations of Women

Are anxiety and stress impacting your life or the lives of those you care about?

Join us on Saturday, November 2nd, from 9:00-11:30am at Trinity for Peace for the Anxious Heart. This event offers compassionate insights and practical, biblical support to help you understand and address anxiety. By the end of our time together—featuring video teaching, a panel discussion, and a delicious brunch—you'll leave feeling hopeful, connected, and equipped with valuable tools (like a free booklet on anxiety) to find peace amidst life's challenges.

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Serve Hope
3:30 PM15:30

Serve Hope

Join other Trinity Men as we partner with Hope Ministries on October 29th. Serve our community through various roles: food prep (3:30 PM), meal serving (5:45 PM), and/or cleanup (6:45 PM). At 7:30, engage with Hope's residents during a friendly cornhole tournament. Choose one role or stay for the entire event—your participation will make a meaningful difference in the lives of these men.

Are you in?

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Loss of a Spouse
9:00 AM09:00

Loss of a Spouse

Grieving the death of a spouse? Or do you know someone who is?

Your life has changed forever. The daily emotions and challenges can seem too hard to bear. Find help at a Loss of a Spouse seminar.

This special, 2-hour seminar features video interviews with counselors, grief experts, and others who have navigated life after losing a spouse and who offer practical suggestions and reassurance. They share honestly about:

  • What to expect in the days and months after the loss

  • The surprising emotional, physical, and spiritual effects of grief

  • Challenges surviving spouses face and how to cope (e.g., loneliness, new household responsibilities, changes in relationships, what to do with your spouse’s belongings)

  • Why it won’t always hurt this much

About the event

The Loss of a Spouse event will be held on Saturday, October 19, 9:00 a.m. at Trinity Church. There is no cost to attend. Everyone who attends receives a booklet with over 30 short readings on how to live with grief and eventually rebuild your life.

Please join us for this encouraging seminar.

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Wills & Trusts Educational Seminar (Online)
8:00 PM20:00

Wills & Trusts Educational Seminar (Online)

We can’t predict the future, but we can plan for it. Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) takes the mystery out of estate planning, guiding you and your family through a straightforward process allowing you to design a legacy plan that protects and blesses your family while honoring God.

Whether you have a will or trust in place or not, we invite you to take a fresh look at the facts and let us help you address your planning priorities and challenges.

After attending this online seminar, you will have the opportunity to schedule a follow-up appointment— then to request that FPM prepare or update your own estate plan at no out-of-pocket cost. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity!

For more information about Financial Planning Ministry, visit their website at

NOTE - This is an online event. A link to the webinar will be sent to registrants prior to the event.

P.S. You may be a parent with a young family-- have you planned for the guardianship of your children if you were no longer there for them? Or you may have a loved one with a disability-- come and learn how a Special Needs Trust can provide resources for your family member’s needs over their lifetime. This seminar is for adults at all stages of life!

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