Your Giving Matters!
Your generous giving makes a difference in the lives of many for the glory of God in Michiana and around the world. Tap the button below to give securely online.
You can give by cash or check during weekly worship services. Email the office to let us know if you would like personalized giving envelopes!
Secure online giving is the fastest way to partner with Trinity in ministry and mission in Michiana and around the world.
If mail is more convenient for you, please feel free to give by sending a check to Trinity at 61770 Miami Rd., South Bend, IN 46614.
Did you know you can maximize your giving while minimizing your taxes? Give smarter by donating appreciated assets like stocks, mutual funds, or cryptocurrency. Download our guide to discover how you can receive a double tax benefit while supporting God's work at Trinity Church.
For a glimpse of how gifts like yours made an impact last year, check out the 2023-24 Annual Report.
If you have any questions about financial stewardship at Trinity, please feel free to contact Paul Hagberg, our Pastor of Administration and Equipping.