Mark 13

May 18, 2022

“As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!’ ‘Do you see all these great buildings?’ replied Jesus. ‘Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.’” (v1-2)

The disciples were enamored with the temple. Not only was it the symbol of their religion; it was an icon of national pride. In their minds, their identity and future were tied together with the temple’s future. But Jesus predicted its fall, and then spent an entire chapter (Mark 13) preparing them for the devastation coming to Jerusalem (including the fall of the temple), so they wouldn’t despair. The temple would be destroyed, because the religious institution it represented was dead (11:14). But it would be replaced by Jesus. He would become the new Temple and Mediator, the One through whom we now have a relationship with God and an identity as His people.

Lord, I praise you for Your faithfulness to preach the truth, even when it was jarring and confronted our nationalistic pride. You are the only Sovereign. You alone deserve my pledge of allegiance. Everything else in this world (even this nation, whose freedoms I enjoy) will eventually crumble. Forgive me for the times I confuse Your Kingdom with America, allowing my hope to be tied to its future instead of Your coming Kingdom. Renew in me the trust to “watch” (v35) and wait for YOU - knowing that, just as You accurately predicted the temple’s fall, You will also make good on Your promised return!

— Pastor Joshua Brooks

Use the following steps to guide your daily time with the Lord…

  • Start with prayer. Ask God to open your heart to help you understand and receive His Word.

  • Read and observe the passage carefully. As needed, read a second Bible version to help with understanding.

    ➡️ What does it say?

    What does this passage teach me about God? What does it say about my sinful nature and my need for God’s grace? How does this passage point to Jesus?

  • ➡️ What am I going to do about it?

    Does this passage include a promise to claim, an action/attitude to avoid/embrace, or a principle to apply? How can this truth apply to my life? What could my next step be? How can I share this with others? Is there a verse or section of Scripture I need to memorize?