Revelation 15

November 11, 2022

“They sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb: ‘Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations. Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.’” (v3-4)

What a beautiful worship song that declares so many of God’s attributes:

  • His greatness

  • His might

  • His justice

  • His truth

  • His kingship

  • His glory

  • His holiness

  • His righteousness

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I don’t know the tune of this heavenly song, but I am joining this morning in declaring the lyrics of this song. You alone are worthy of my worship - not only because of who You are, but because of “Your great deeds” (v3), which include Your rescue and redemption. You are indeed “great!” May these attributes of You be on my mind throughout this day.

— Pastor Joshua Brooks

Use the following steps to guide your daily time with the Lord…

  • Start with prayer. Ask God to open your heart to help you understand and receive His Word.

  • Read and observe the passage carefully. As needed, read a second Bible version to help with understanding.

    ➡️ What does it say?

    What does this passage teach me about God? What does it say about my sinful nature and my need for God’s grace? How does this passage point to Jesus?

  • ➡️ What am I going to do about it?

    Does this passage include a promise to claim, an action/attitude to avoid/embrace, or a principle to apply? How can this truth apply to my life? What could my next step be? How can I share this with others? Is there a verse or section of Scripture I need to memorize?