Weekly Update - March 1
This week, we'll cover details for Easter Sunday, opportunities for you to serve, and highlight a few upcoming events. But first, a note about parking.
Every week, folks from our community check out Trinity for the first time, and many are getting connected and experiencing Christ-centered transformation. We're growing around here, and finding a place to park on Sunday mornings can be a bit tricky. And while this is a great challenge to have, it can be frustrating to deal with on your way into a service.
Our church Board and staff are working on solutions, and we'll have more details to share down the road. For now, I just wanted to assure you that we're working on it and that we appreciate your patience.
Next, we're just weeks away from Easter Sunday! We'll have three services that morning. Traditional services at 7:30 and 9 and a Modern service at 10:30. Kids ministry will be available during the 9 and 10:30 services. We’re looking forward to celebrating with you and the friends and family you plan to invite.
It's going to be a great morning to celebrate Jesus and it's also a wonderful opportunity for you to jump on a team.
Are you serving on a ministry team? If you are, that's great (and thank you!)! But, if you're not, what's held you back?
Maybe you’ve thought about joining a team, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Maybe it’s a scheduling issue. Or, perhaps you’re worried about it not being a great fit.
We get it, and that's why we're rolling out another round of One Time Teams.
These one-time serving opportunities were a huge hit during Advent, and I'm excited to see who steps up to serve during Holy Week.
We’ve got several one-time teams to fill. We need extra greeters, parking attendants, set-up and clean-up crews, and more.
This is one-time. No long-term contract, no fine print, no hard sell at the end. Just you, serving one time to help us welcome all the folks that will be with us for one of these special services.
So, can you serve one time during Holy Week? Your first step is to start the conversation with our team about what role might be a good fit. Tap the button above to take that step.
So, we've covered parking, Easter, and you're planning on jumping on a one-time team...now let's move to events.
Don't forget that we're hosting another Wills and Trusts Education Seminar in March. In fact, we're hosting two! We’ve got an in-person seminar on March 9th and a virtual seminar on March 12th, so you can pick the option that best fits your schedule. Don’t let your family get caught off guard when you’re gone. Join us for the seminar to get started with the planning process. Tap the button above to sign up.
Lastly, be sure to save the date for one of the biggest days of 2024. Serve South Bend is BACK! That's right. Save the Date for May 4th as we'll head out into the community to shine Jesus' light by serving South Bend. Registration opens on March 15th, but be sure to get May 4th saved on your calendar asap.
If you're interested in other events we have coming up, like Brackets and Brats, Student Events or the upcoming Exploring Membership Class, I'll include those details below.
That's all for now. Enjoy your day, and I'll see you Sunday as we celebrate communion together and continue our look at How God Transforms Us.
Need a Refresher?
Our teaching series will continue on Sunday, but you can use the player to catch up on recent messages you missed (or want to hear again).
Orders Due By March 17th
Would you like to honor or remember a loved one this Easter? Place an order to have special Easter flowers on display during one of our worship services in honor or memory of someone special to you.
Following the Easter services on March 31st, you will be able to pick up your flowers to take home. If you’d prefer, your flowers can also be donated to someone in our church family that is homebound. Orders must be placed by March 17th.