Weekly Update - March 29

  • Hey there! I have some exciting Trinity updates to share with you, so let's dive right in.

    First, our Good Friday service is today at 12:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This will be a meaningful time for us to gather and reflect on the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for you and me on the cross. I'm looking forward to what Pastor Jeremy has to share with us and to celebrating communion with you.

    That's today, but I hope you're excited to join us for Easter Sunday. Don't forget that we've got three services. We'll have our traditional service at 7:30 and 9, and then our modern service at 10:30. Kids ministry will be available during the 9 and 10:30 services.

    But listen up - if you're planning to join a traditional service, I really want to encourage you to come to that earlier 7:30 am one. It'll help make sure we have plenty of room for guests at 9 am. A bunch of you have already mentioned that you're planning to help us out with this...THANK YOU! And get this - we're hooking you up with free Rise-and-Roll donuts and other sweet treats if you come at 7:30! What better way to start your Easter morning, right?

    Oh, one more thing about Easter - who could you invite to join you? Maybe there's a neighbor, coworker, or friend who needs to hear the Gospel. Most people say "yes" when invited to church, so what's holding you back? Shoot them a text and invite them to join us today. Need help getting started? I've included a few sample texts below...you can copy and paste them and text someone right now, so check that out.

    Alright, switching gears - make sure you mark your calendar for May 4th for Serve South Bend! We'll head out into the community to shine Jesus' light all over town. We'll be doing all sorts of projects, from construction to landscaping to painting with our local partners like Camp Ray Bird, Faith Baptist Food Pantry, Cultivate Food Rescue, and even some residential sites.

    If you have kids, this is the perfect opportunity for all of you to serve together! We've got some great kid-friendly projects lined up so that you can model for them how to love their neighbor.

    Just tap the button below to check out the full project listing and sign up for a team.

    And finally, parking! This growth we're experiencing has certainly presented some challenges in our parking lot lately. Well, we've recently added 16 spaces in the South Lot, which has been a huge help during the 10:30 service. We've also added 12 spaces right in front of the Sanctuary. These spots in front of the sanctuary are designed to provide quick access for those with mobility issues, so if that's you, feel free to park there this week. If that's not you, thanks for finding other parking in the North lot to help us care for the folks that need it.

    Before you go, take a minute to check out details for upcoming items like Exploring Membership, a new women's Bible Study, and the Hymn Sing.

    Serving together, celebrating together, and inviting others to experience the transformation Jesus offers—that's what we're all about, and I'm so glad you're part of this journey with us.

    See you soon!


Text Invites for Easter:


"Easter is this Sunday! Would you like to join me and my family at Trinity Church? I'd love to have you experience the hope and joy of this special day with us. What do you think?"

"Hey! Trinity is having some great Easter services this weekend to celebrate Jesus. Any chance you're free and would want to come check it out with me?"

"Happy Easter! I'm attending Trinity's [7:30am/9am/10:30am] service on Sunday. It would mean so much to have you by my side. Should I save you a seat?"

"The kids and I are getting dressed up for Easter Sunday at Trinity Church. You're invited to experience the powerful message and uplifting music with our family! Can you make it?"



Nate Harrison