Define the Win

  • You can't measure success without first defining the win. Leaders, those of you who willingly, sacrificially, and courageously stepped out to facilitate an NT 260 group – please hear me clearly: NT260 is already a win. As you heard me say from the very beginning of this initiative: even if we only had a handful of folks doing NT260, that would be a success. But the Lord has stirred up the hearts of hundreds, many of whom (most of whom) don't yet have a regular practice of reading God's Word. That’s a win. Another win is you. That you and 60 other leaders have stepped up to lead a group – some of you leading a group for the first time. That's a HUGE WIN!

    But, how do we define the win once things get rolling? Well, simply put, by reading the Word and then reflecting on and responding to it with your group. Even if nobody else in your group follows suit – it's a win that you are modeling what that looks like for others. Simply model for your group ‘reading and responding to God’s Word’ and you’re on target. Remember, your job is to water the seed. God brings the growth. That's the win!