Someone Has to Go First

  • Studying God's Word in community (if it’s going to lead to transformation) will take vulnerability. And before a group becomes characterized by vulnerability, someone is going to have to go first. Someone needs to be vulnerable first to get that ball rolling. You may have noticed the value of vulnerability in the way that I try to teach and preach. I'm not trying to be gratuitously transparent, nor am I trying to make the teaching all about me or my own story. But it is often very helpful to model a level of vulnerable transparency with others. I find this does two things: first, my vulnerability gives a glimpse to others about how the gospel is penetrating my life. Second, that sort of vulnerability is contagious, in the right way. How many times have you been in a setting where someone risks being vulnerable, and it was as if you suddenly felt permitted (even inspired) to share something vulnerable as well. There's something infectious about being vulnerable. I'm not talking about being inappropriately transparent...sharing your deepest darkest secrets over a zoom meeting. But I do want to encourage you to be vulnerable, to go first. And even if you take a step of vulnerability and no one follows, know this: the Lord is honored. Rest in that. And know that (even if others don’t risk following your lead) your willingness to be transparent – and give others a glimpse of how the gospel is penetrating your life - will have an impact on theirs.