Galatians 4

March 28 2022

“Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s son; and since you are his son, God has made you also an heir.” ‭‭(v6-7‬)

The gospel is not just forgiveness of sins, as great as that is. Pardon for crimes is wonderful, but Christ’s redemption includes the Judge welcoming me into His family! I now call Him, “Abba” (v6), a term of intimate familiarity, like “Daddy.” And not only am I now a son in God’s family, I’m an heir in His kingdom, set to inherit eternal riches. From ‘slavery to sin’ to ‘son in God’s family’ - that’s what Christ redeemed me from and for.

Father, Son, and Spirit, I praise You for Your great plan of salvation, and for all that it means for me: pardon for sin, adoption into Your family, and an inheritance in Your glorious Kingdom! Hallelujah! May I live this day with the confidence and security that comes from knowing that I am Your son, and can call on You whenever I need help.

— Pastor Joshua Brooks

Use the following steps to guide your daily time with the Lord…

  • Start with prayer. Ask God to open your heart to help you understand and receive His Word.

  • Read and observe the passage carefully. As needed, read a second Bible version to help with understanding.

    ➡️ What does it say?

    What does this passage teach me about God? What does it say about my sinful nature and my need for God’s grace? How does this passage point to Jesus?

  • ➡️ What am I going to do about it?

    Does this passage include a promise to claim, an action/attitude to avoid/embrace, or a principle to apply? How can this truth apply to my life? What could my next step be? How can I share this with others? Is there a verse or section of Scripture I need to memorize?